Dublin InQuirer


Develop the cover illustration the Dublin InQuirer about inadequacies in late night bus service in Dublin, leading to many women walking home alone through deserted streets.


When thinking about this illustration, I chose to focus on the emotion that a woman would feel walking alone at night due to a lack of reliable bus service. I convey this through her facial expression, as well through negative space in the shape of a bus, then filled in with the details of an empty alleyway. My intention is to communicate the relationship between a lack of bus service, and the need for women to walk home alone through deserted streets, as mentioned in the brief. This has resulted in a beautiful and on-topic cover piece to rouse reader interest and increase conversion to the Dublin InQuirer.

Deliverables:  Cover Illustration for Issue 76 of the Dublin InQuirer

Software used: Procreate, Photoshop

Presenting:  Dublin InQuirer (To see the full illustration: Click Here!)

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